Legal Actions and Projects
Summary of Activities in 2023
“We succeeded where the State and municipal bodies with far bigger budgets and so many clerks have failed”.
Ella Avin,
Chairperson of the board
NOAH Federation
Legal defense project for community cats and the people who take care of them
Ignorance is a major contributing factor in the harassment, physical and mental abuse that community cats and the individuals who care for them frequently experience. Sadly, there is little enforcement of The Animal Welfare (Animal Protection) Law, 1994, and its regulations.
NOAH works in both the public and legal spheres to protect community cats and bring abusers to justice. Adv. Inbal Kaydar-Haim heads NOAH’s legal department.

Achievements & Ongoing Efforts
The courts responded to our petitions for injunctions against criminals who trapped and removed cats from their natural habitat - judgments and orders were issued.
Bans on feeding cats in companies and factories were canceled.
Following our intervention, companies and factories stopped harassing employees who fed cats. We even got them to cooperate and fund the spaying and neutering of the cats on their property, as well as set up feeding stations.
Illegal fines issued by Haifa’s municipal inspectors against cat feeders were canceled.
Our efforts against the illegal conduct of the municipality of Haifa will continue until justice prevails!
We continue to take measures to stop neighbors from harassing cat feeders.
We respond to hundreds of requests from cat feeders concerning persecution, violence, and harassment to them and to community cats. The warning letters we issue and the legal action we take help to stop many of these violations.
We appeal case closures by the police and the Ministry of Agriculture.
We petition the court to issue removal orders against animal abusers.

Activities and Achievements in the Project
We started distributing a Certificate of Conservation of Animals in complexes undergoing urban renewal projects. This certificate is the first of its kind in Israel and is aimed at real estate entrepreneurs and contractors who meet the criteria we developed.
We signed a Treaty for the Preservation and Rescue of Animals in Urban Renewal Projects with the Israeli Association of Contractors.
We are working together with municipalities to craft procedures regarding issuing building permits subject to the rescue and evacuation of animals in urban renewal projects.
We prepared a questionnaire for the mayoral candidates in the upcoming 2024 municipal elections that includes the issue of rescuing animals in urban renewal projects.
We are working to promote a procedure for limiting pruning and cutting down trees during nesting season.
We are producing and distributing information on animal protection and rescue in urban renewal projects to the general public, property owners, and contractors.
We are presenting lectures on the topic to activists, employees of local authorities, and students at the legal clinic at Reichman University.
The protection of animals and urban nature in undergoing urban renewal projects
Israel has many old neighborhoods that have lower housing and courtyards that surround the buildings. To meet the growing demand for housing, many of these complexes are planned for demolition, to be replaced by mega buildings.
Alongside the human residents, there are also many cats, hedgehogs, chameleons, lizards, bats, snakes, birds, chicks, and other protected animals. They have no legal claim to the property. Once the bulldozers arrive on the scene, many of these animals face an agonizing death or displacement at best.
In 2021, NOAH launched a unique and pioneering project to preserve and protect animals in urban renewal complexes.
The purpose of the project is to raise awareness among real estate entrepreneurs and contractors about the animals and wildlife in these habitats; create procedures and promote regulation by the local authorities; and to lead to granting building permits only subject to the commitment by building companies to protect and safely evacuate protected wild animals from the site prior to demolition.
And We Are Doing More!
With your support, we can make an even bigger difference for our furry friends and continue to act as the gatekeeper for both animals and those who care for them.
Participate in governmental committees and discussions to promote animal welfare.
Fight against the exploitation, abuse and objectification of animals in petting zoos.
Submit requests under the Freedom of Information Act (1998) to expose omissions and lack of enforcement of the law by state authorities.
Fight against shooting crows, hunting, and unlawful killing of wildlife by authorities.
Carry out workshops and seminars on animal rights and the rights of those who look after them.